Everyone experiences stress at times and it is important to deal with stressful situations in the best way possible to maintain your health. Our Westwood compounding pharmacy has 9 tips to relieve stress:westwood compounding pharmacy

1. Listen to music

Did you know that playing calming music can lower blood pressure and reduce cortisol, a stress hormone? Next time you feel overwhelmed, try relaxing by listening to some music.

2. Call a friend

Talk to a friend when your feeling stressed.  A reassuring voice from a friend or loved one can put everything into perspective.

3. Talk yourself through it

If calling a friend is not an option, try calmly talking to yourself.  Don’t worry about looking crazy; telling yourself why you’re stressed out and recognizing that everything will be okay can help you complete the task at hand.

4. Eat Wellwestwood compounding pharmacy

Usually, when we are stressed, we forget to eat then resort to fatty, sugary junk foods as a pick-me-up.  Avoid this by planning ahead with healthy food.  Oily fish with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids have been known to relieve stress.

5. Laugh out loud

Laughter decreases levels of stress-causing hormones adrenaline and cortisol while releasing endorphins that boost mood.  Trick your nervous system into making you happy by laughing out loud.

6. Curb Coffee

Large doses of caffeine can cause a short spike in blood pressure and stimulate your adrenal glands.  Try green tea instead of coffee or energy drinks to calm your nervous system and absorb healthy antioxidants.

7. Mindfulness

“Mindfulness” is a concept used in somatic and meditative approaches to mental health.  Try joining a yoga, meditation, or pilates class.  These are examples of systems of mindfulness that combine mental and physical exercises that keeps stress at bay. 

westwood compounding pharmacy8. Exercise

You need to run a marathon or weight train at the gym.  Taking breaks by walking around the office or stretching can immediately relieve a stressful situation.

9. Sleep Well

Lack of sleep is a big culprit of stress.  Make sure to get in seven to eight hours of sleep a night to reduce stress.


About ABC Pharmacy

Westwood compounding pharmacy, Pharmacy of Beverly Hills is dedicated to providing the best service and quality products in the area. Our team of experts is always available to answer questions or help resolve medicinal issues. To stay updated with our pharmacy, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.