
Check Out These Natural Ways of Reducing Blood Pressure

One's overall good health, especially if one has hypertension, is measured in terms of normal blood pressure. Unchecked hypertension results in some very grave diseases. Nevertheless, the pleasant surprise is that there are some natural ways by means of which the normal blood pressure can be reduced. They are caused by physical, diet, and [...]

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Suffering from Heartburn? What You Should Know to Get Relief

If you are experiencing heartburn, you are experiencing a burning sensation in your chest, and most of the time, there is also the occurrence of sour or bitter taste in the mouth. If you think that you are experiencing these, it is high time that you should visit a heart burn doctor. [...]

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7 Medical Supplies That You Must Have at Home

When you’re ill, your first instinct is probably to stay home and rest. But what do you do when you can’t even leave the house? Keeping a well-stocked medicine cabinet can help take some of the stress out of being sick. A stocked medicine cabinet will also mean you won’t have to rush to [...]

How to Maintain your Medical Supply Store

When it comes to matters concerning healthcare, maintaining an organized inventory is of utmost significance. Patients are dependent not just on receiving the appropriate medication and dose but also on having a consistent supply of it that is still within its expiration date. In the process of getting medication to its final consumers, who [...]

6 Ways to Cleanse Your Daily Routine

Our compounding pharmacy by Santa Monica has noticed adults tend to take less care of themselves in their daily lives.  Our compounding pharmacy near Santa Monica suggests these tips in order to maintain a healthy and stress-free Spring. ABC Pharmacy of Beverly Hills has listed essentials to Spring clean your daily routine! Love Yourself [...]

Top 4 Immunity Boosters For Kids Going Back-To-School

Back-to-school can be a hectic time for kids and parents alike. As kids prepare to go back to school, there are myriad adjustments that need to be made, and making these adjustments can be stressful. Fortunately, our Santa Monica based compounding pharmacy put together a list of 4 ways to ensure that your kids [...]

Top Ways to Reduce Cancer Through Foods

Everyone knows someone who has or has been affected by cancer. Our Beverly Hills compounding pharmacy wants patients to know that nearly 700,000 individuals were diagnosed with cancer last year! A mere 30% of those cancers could have been prevented by a simple change in diet as well as other lifestyle changes. Find out more cancer [...]

4 Superfoods for the Heart

Want to know something super? There are foods that can improve your heart health. They’re called superfoods! The great compounding pharmacy near Santa Monica shares the facts. There are certain superfoods that can help keep your heart happy and others that help other parts of your body. Some of the superfoods that help your heart [...]

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