Oftentimes, we eat sweets that include a substitute for sugar. A popular substitute that you may have put into your coffee this morning is Splenda. Our Pharmacy in Beverly Hills wants to inform you that Splenda has been linked to leukemia and some other blood cancers in a newly published study.
The thought of eating a sweet treat without a high caloric load is incredibly appealing.
A recent study published by the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health led to some troubling news. Mice were fed sucralose, the chemical name for Splenda, on a daily basis and developed blood cancers.
In response to this study, many nutritional clinics and
information centers are now formally recommending that people avoid alternative sweeteners altogether.
This comes as a huge surprise; three years ago, major health centers claimed that Splenda was a “safe” additive.
Usually, food studies are done by a food manufacturer or other party because of a financial incentive or to make a biased statement. This study was funded without manufacturer involvement or other special interest in mind. This means that there were no biased parties hoping for a certain result to come out of this study.
Although this finding is worrisome, the study is being heavily critiqued by some. The doses of sucralose ingested by the mice only apply to someone drinking about 10 cans of diet soda per day. This is extremely hard for most people to do, albeit not entirely impossible. That said, ingesting 10 cans worth of sucralose isn’t the only surefire way to get cancer; ingesting sucralose at any level carries a certain risk.
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